Is there a way to export audio at the playback volume

I was listening back to a recording and it sounded good at 90% playback volume so i exported it and at 100% it was clipping, is there a way to set the export volume to be the same as the playback volume?

Yes. There is a volume slider to the left of the waveform that affects how loud it plays AND how loud it exports, without affecting the appearance of the waveform. You can turn it down a bit.

Or you can Normalize for 0dB or -1dB peaks, etc., before exporting.

Are you saying it wasn’t clipping before you exported? If it only happened after exporting and you didn’t change that slider, I’m going to Guess that you exported to MP3 (or other lossy format)?

The lossy compression ends-up making some peaks higher and some lower so it’s not unusual for MP3s to “show clipping” when the uncompressed original did not.

Some people normalize to -1 or -2dB before exporting.

This gets tricky, but… The “clipping” caused by MP3 compression isn’t real (yet). Audacity is showing potential clipping because it goes over 0dB, and MP3 can go over 0dB without clipping.

If you play it at full-digital volume, you WILL clip your DAC, but as far as I know this slight clipping has never been shown to be audible (in proper level-matched blind listening tests) and if you are using a digital volume control, it’s probably not at 100% so the DAC has some headroom and it’s not clipping.

thanks man

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