Is it possible to remove tracks from an AUP3 file from the command line?

I’ve gotten myself into a tough spot and any advice would be appreciated. I was editing a project in Audacity and pressed CTRL+D to duplicate a track. However, the key somehow became stuck, duplicating the track a huge number of times and freezing Audacity. I foolishly force-quit, causing the error to be auto-saved into the project. Subsequent attempts to re-open the AUP3 simply freeze Audacity. Inspecting the AUP3 file from the command line using audacity-project-tools.exe -analyze_project reveals that it now contains over 8000(!) tracks duplicated from my selection.

Clearly my only hope is to remove the duplicated tracks, but I’m unable to open the project in Audacity to do so. Is there any way to edit the database on the command line to remove the unwanted tracks?

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