Is anyone else having a problem selecting multiple parts to join them together?

I am trying to join 2 parts that are in the same track to join them together. I have tried using the CTRL key , and I have tried using the Shift key.

Any suggestions?

Do you mean joining two adjacent clips together?

If so yo can no longer click on their joint border to join the clips - instead select around the join and use Edit > Audio Clips > Join or its shortcut Ctrl+J (Cmd+J on Mac)


I don’t quite understand what you are saying.

Does a picture help:


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Trying it now

How are you able to select the section between the two clips? I click there and nothing happens

I found this command , but the font is too tiny for me to see what comes after the ALT

  1. Click to the left of the shared boundary
  2. keep holding the mouse button down
  3. drag to the right beyond the shared boundary


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