Yes. See the second FlipSound.ny posted here: Invert Musically - #37 by steve
Keep in mind that if you do that, low frequencies become high frequencies, and anything above 15000 Hz is removed when you convert back to 30000 Hz sample rate.
I mean convert sample rate WITH speed change, for example; 22050 would play at half speed, 88200 would play at twice the speed, 44100 would be normal.
; Resample to half the current sample rate.
; That means there will be half the number of samples in the processed
; audio than there were in the original audio.
; When the samples are returned from Nyquist to the Audacity track, they will
; occupy half the original space (because the track sample rate is unchanged).
; It will therefore be half the original length, and play back at double the original
; speed, and double the original pitch.
(resample *track* (/ *sound-srate* 2))
Is it possible to reverse the frequencies logarithmically or exponentially, where it reverses in musical notes instead of in hertz?
I asked AI how to do it in multiple codes, and multiple AIs confuses it for “Reverse” and “Change Pitch”, or gives me code that straight up doesn’t work or do what I want.