In v3.3.3, how can I snap a clip to a specific timeline point?

I’m recording a VO spot with phrases that each need to start at specified points in a timeline to sync with a video. How can I efficiently move these phrases to their desired start points? I assume that I need to separate each phrase into its own clip, but I don’t know how to proceed from there other than manually dragging each clip along the timeline. I’m unsure what the “snap” checkbox and digital clock next to it can do for this, if anything.

Could store a cursor position … Select Menu - Audacity Manual
or create a label track to add labelsLabel Tracks - Audacity Manual,
[ Can quickly jump between neighboring labels]

Snap feature is not going to help … Snapping Toolbar - Audacity Manual

It wouldn’t be that difficult to create a text file with the cue times to import to a label track, then cut the audio and drag it to each of the labels. You can “snap” audio to labels, no matter which track you put them in.

I would bet that your cue times are in minutes and seconds, while the label import file has to have everything in seconds. There are web pages that can do the conversion for you. If the cue times are just in minutes, the Windows calculator will convert minutes to seconds.