I cant monitor recording

Pause + record i cant hear the sound but it is coming thru fine.
I can listen to the recording that was made.

I really scratch my brains how to set this.
UFO202. Got the stero sorted out.
Windows 10 Toshiba Tecra C50-E
Input - USB audio codec
Speakers - Microsoft Sound Mapper or Speakers Reaktek
Using laptops headphones as monior.
First time i’ve used this version

Thank you in advance

Check your Playback Device device options. There may be a separate selection for headphones or speakers. You can also plug your headphones into the UFO202 and select the UFO for playback & monitoring.

Also check the playback volume slider which is now “hidden” behind the playback meters. (But if you can play back with Audacity, that’s not the problem.)

My laptop only has the headphone socket.
With previous Audacity versions it has worked in the past but i cant remeber which setting i used.

You can also try Try Listen To This Device which doesn’t require Audacity or any application.

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