I saw that this topic was brought up late last year. I hadn’t had to use this function in Audacity for awhile. I tried the workaround someone posted on renaming the file, but that didn’t work. Does anyone have a fix? Thank you! Sharon
You are trying to export as MP3, right?
Go to Edit → Preferences → Modules and make sure mod-mp3 (and everyghing else) is enabled.
Yes, I just double checked after I received your message. Everything is enabled under preferences and I am made sure mp3 was selected as export file type. I can save files as wav, but not mp3.
Strange… Any error messages?
As a work-around you can use a 3rd party audio converter. Kabuu Audio Converter works on Windows and once you’ve set up your desired format and location it’s just drag, drop, and click, and you can convert multiple files at once.
Thank you for the suggestion. I’m seriously thinking of switching to Adobe Audition. It seems like it’s been one problem after another with Audacity lately. Are these converters safe? I’m concerned about malware, etc…thank you for your response & suggestion.
Kabuu is open source so it should be safe. (Anybody can look at the code.) I haven’t had any trouble with it. VirusTotal doesn’t flag it as suspicious.
I believe Audition is now subscription only. Personally, I hate subscriptions! You might look into GoldWave ($60 USD for lifetime license after free trial).
Yeah, I think something truly odd must be occurring, I just tried to download the file through a couple of different conversions and it didn’t recognize the file format? A pain, for sure
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