How to isolate cat purring?

I have an audio file of my cat purring, while I was also listening to a Zoom meeting. Is there a way I can remove the vocals from the audio (the voice from the Zoom meeting) so that all is left is the purring? To in essence “mute” the Zoom call after the fact so that I only hear the purring? Thanks so much for any advice.

If you are willing to experiment, you could try a few things. It is not for the feint of heart.

If you have a Windows computer, you could try the OpenVINO Music Separation effect. This involves downloading lots of model data, installing a plug-in and giving it a try. The purring might be pulled into it’s own track. Seems unlikely to work though.

If the purring is constant, you may be able to remove it with the Noise Reduction effect, invert the track and combine it back with the original. It should eliminate everything that wasn’t removed.

If the Zoom call was entirely talking, you could try using the OpenVINO Noise Suppression effect to remove everything but the talking, invert the track and combine it back with the original. That should leave just the purring.

All complicated stuff. It would be far easier to just record the cat purring specifically.

Audacity traditionally can’t separate performers in a mixed show. We can’t take the violins out of an orchestra , the sopranos out of a choir, or a cat out of a Zoom. Some of the newer software packages such as OpenVino may be able to help. Do all your experimenting on a copy of the sound file, not the one and only file.


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