How to export multiple from scripting?

I have written a python script that uses ‘LabelSounds: sil-dur=2’ to create a bunch of labeled sections of an mp3 file. I would like to save each of the labeled sections into a separate file. Export multiple from the interface does this, but there does not seem to be a way to invoke this from a script.
I have also used the ‘Disjoin’:’ command, but there is no way to set the silence duration that I could see, so it creates more clips that it should.

With ‘Disjoin’ I can loop through the clips and use ‘Export2:’, but I get too many clips. With ‘LabelSounds:’ I get exactly the correct sections of the files, but there are no clips to loop through and export.

So – is there a way to export multiple from a script, or alternatively, is there a way to turn labeled sections into clips, so I can loop through the clips and use ‘Export2:’ ?

“Export Multiple” is not available to Nyquist.

Good idea, but looping through clips via scripting has been broken and unreliable for the past 2 years.

You could hack a copy of “LabelSounds” and “export” via Nyquist’s S-SAVE function, or write a list of times to *scratch* so that you can then access them in a Nyquist Macro and use Export2.

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