OK I am a LONG TERM very occasional user mainly to support my local chorus.
I am wondering if Audacity can add an environmental ( cathedral, jazz club, …)
to an audacity project?
The effect you are looking for is called Reverb.
Thanks. I thought that the old environment settings in some of the older sound card apps were more sophisticated than that. I will work with the reverb option.
The “soundfield” effects on an audio video receiver can add reverb and delay to the surround speakers for a more realistic effect. In a music hall the natural reverberation comes from all directions.
The amount of reverb you hear in a concert hall usually sounds unnatural coming form a pair of speakers or headphones. If you’ve ever made a live recording form your normal seating position you’ve probably noticed that.
There are LOTs of 3rd-party reverb plug-ins and I’m sure some of them work with Audacity. They are all different so some will be better, or more to your taste, than others.
There are two categories of reverb:
Algorithmic reverb (like what’s built into Audacity) is the most common. There are lots of different ones and they all have multiple settings/adjustments.
Impulse Response reverb takes an impulse sample from an acoustic space and then simulates it in software. You can get impulses from famous concert halls, etc.