Focusrite Issues

I apologize if this has been covered a dozen times over. I’ve sifted through other threads and troubleshooted but can’t seem to figure this out.

I’ve included an audio sample of what I’m experiencing…

I recorded two tracks in Audacity then created an additional stereo track (adjusted none of the settings) and the audio recorded is now glitchy/ poppy/ crackly.

I am using a Focusrite Scarlett digital interface with Audacity 3.2.1. Project rate set to 44100 Hz, 32 bit float, best quality sample rate converter. Software playthrough off, detect dropouts off. Buffer length 100 milliseconds and latency compensation -130 milliseconds. I altered the buffer length by increments of 10 and this did not solve my issue.

There are quite a few of those. Which one do you have?

The first two were mono? What’s the show? Why are we doing this?

Do you have Audacity set for overdubbing? Play a rhythm or backing track while you record a performance?


Focusrite Scarlett Solo 2nd Gen

All tracks stereo, issue persists whether listening to recorded track or not.