Files getting massive, and not compacting when I close Audacity

There are 2 issues I’ve been having in the last few days.

  1. The size of the file I’m working on gets huge (the other day one was 106gb) and there wasn’t even much audio or effects in it (compared to some things I’ve made). Once I closed Audacity (after clearing some stuff off my laptop so there was room for it to do that), it reduced to 1.4gb, which still seems way too big for what it is.

  2. Now Audacity won’t compact files when I close them. I currently have one that is over 3gb (again, that’s far too big for what it is) and I can’t reduce it. It just keeps getting bigger.

I haven’t updated anything (that I’m aware of) that might cause this. I have used the copy punch paste and filter EQ in this project and that’s all, other than splitting one track in several places. This is the standard sort of thing I do, so it’s not different to usual. Nothing has changed as far as I’m aware.

Any advice on why these things are happening and what I can do to stop it would be gratefully received.

It sounds like this bug: Database sometimes not being compacted · Issue #7312 · audacity/audacity · GitHub
The bug should be fixed in the current 3.7.1 version of Audacity.

I’ve been using 3.7.1 since a couple of days after it was released. I didn’t have this problem until a few days ago.

Did your project involve cutting down any long tracks? Deleting part of a track does not necessarily remove the deleted audio from a project - usually it just hides the “deleted” audio.

Yes, but it’s not that. That’s a usual part of my work so I allow for it, then join all the cut clips to reduce the file size.
The project I’m working on finally compacted when I put some bigger tracks in and then saved it and then took them out.
The project is now getting 500mb bigger every time I apply the filter curve to a section of the track, even just a 5 second piece. It wasn’t doing that before it compacted.
We used to be such good friends, me and Audacity. :frowning:

That’s why I still use an ancient version (2.4.2) for anything important.