Exported multiple files are not sent to the correct folder (v3.6.1)

While attempting to export multiple files, the “Folder” field I choose whete to send these files is ignored. The files are exported, though, but elsewhere. I figured out the exported files are being sent to a folder that was previously used for a previous export of multiple files.

It’s as if Audacity is not updating the folder destination when I attempt to pick a new location. I never got that behavior in prior versions of Audacity.

You can choose your preferred directories for various types of tasks (open / save / import / export…) in Audacity’s “settings” dialog.

If you don’t specify a directory, I suppose that Audacity uses the last used directory for the task. But about this, I am not sure.

Testing on W10 with 3.70 I cannot replicate this.

Export Multiple works fine for me, exporting to exactly where I tell it to


I didn’t figure out why that behavior was going on, but in v3.7.0 it is now working as expected.

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