Export muliple files

whenever i try to export my label files whenenever i fill to my chosedin required details wh enever i click export the METADATA option should appear for me to fill details of all my songs. This does not happens the labelled muliole files go straight to my chosen file folder. My older version of AUDACITY whenever i clicked EXPORT the mMETADATA appeared for me to fill in indidual tracks

In the latest versions of Audacity the metadata dialog does not appear automatically for Export Multiple, rather there is a button you need to use:

BUT be aware that there is an, as yet, unfixed bug that means that the metadata propagation is not working in multiple export - please see:

Sadly this bug has been open for a year and shows no sign of anyone trying to fix it. Muse assigned a low priority P3 rating to this bug back in June 2024, so they regard this as not important to fix.

It has been present since Audacity version 3.4.0 - so the last version where it works properly is 3.3.3 if exporting multiple metadata is important to you.

Old versions of Audacity can be downloaded from here:


Thank you so much for your invaluable information regarding muliple files probaly 3.3.3 version would be just as handy for me.
I would be grateful if you if you could explain simply LABEL SOUNDS as when i am splitting files i have always difficulty splitting in proper silence space between tracks

I never used Label Sounds to identify inter-song gaps when I was digitizing my LPs.

I used one of two strategies:

  1. Press Ctrl+M while recording when at each inter-song gap - this drops a label there that can have its position tweaked later if necessary.

  2. If the LP had track listings with timings I created a label track with the appropriate times of each track before starting the recording - this enabled me to make the recording un-attended.

This workflow in the Audacity manual is basically my own workflow (I wrote that tutorial, with the help and input from some other skilled users):


I am still getting to grips splitting and i would appreciate if you could simply explain option 2 as my tracks all have times to them. This would be a great help

  1. Tracks > Add New > Label Track
  2. I place the first label at T=0 - use Ctrl+B
  3. type in the name of the first track
  4. move cursor to the end time indicated for that track
  5. Ctrl+B to make second label
  6. type in the name of the second track
  7. move cursor to T = track-1 time + track-2 time
  8. Ctrl +B to make third label
  9. type in the name of the third track
  10. etc etc

And here’s a workaround to save you calculating times and making positioning the cursor easier:

  1. generate a chirp for the length of the first track
  2. Click in the clip
  3. Ctrl + B to create a label
  4. label the first track
  5. Move cursor to end of project (use the button that looks like fast forward on a tape recorder)
  6. generate a chirp for the length of the second track
  7. Click in the clip
  8. Ctrl + B to create a label
  9. label the second track
  10. Repeat until labels are entered for all labels
  11. Delete the audio track with all the chirps
  12. Record
    And there you go.
  13. you may need to tweak the label positions a little

This will give you region labels, but Export Multiple works fine with those.

If instead you would prefer pint labels (easier for the label position tweaking edits)

  1. generate all the chirps for each song (don’t forget to move the cursor to the project end after generating each chirp)
  2. Add first label at T=0 with Ctrl+B and song title
  3. for all subsequent labels, position the cursor at the beginning of each chirp - you will get a yellow snap guide appearing as you hover at the clip boundaries
  4. Ctrl+B and add song title
  5. Delete the audio track with the chirps
  6. Record

Oh BTW if you are on Mac then it’s Cmd+B to make the label at the cursor position (Apple does like to be different!)
