Experimental Route to Make More Powerful Subliminal Prayers

I am looking for someone to help me create a subliminal prayer in two different ways (1 and 2 below) with a googol or more layers of the original affirmation/prayer time-shifted circularly. My input file is 3:33.333 (should I change this?) long. To not put too much pressure on my old PC, I choose a sample rate of 48000 Hz (what do you say?). And each circular time-shift should be (what do you say?).
The maximum number of tracks we can lay on top of each other should be 10000 (should I change this?). So there should be generations of audio processing.

  1. After each generation the amalgamated track gets a -42 db deamplification and then the amalgamated track becomes the base input track, while the original first generation track gets laid down where we left off at the end of first generation…

  2. After each generation the amalgamated track gets a -42 db deamplification, becomes the input file, starting where we left off at the end of the previous generation being laid down…

If you have questions, let me know. This should be done either in command line rust language, or Nyquist Prompt in Audacity.

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