Error on Export "file D"

First the recording was getting an “Export Error” pop-up. Now when I try and open the audio file, I get “Audacity failed to read file in D”. I did reset configuration, I closed out, I restarted the laptop but I keep getting this error message.

Where is D:\ ? Is it a cloud drive by any chance? Network drive? Audacity doesn’t like those very much.

Instead of opening up the file in Audacity, close Audacity and see if you can just drag the file over to your System Drive C:\ . Then try to open it. It’s possible the file didn’t go to D:\ in good shape.

What is the file?

If it doesn’t fit on C:\ that may be the end of your show.


From the beginning I have always saved to an external hard drive. It wasn’t an issue until now. I think someone the original file became corrupted and my only option is to rerecord.

It could be the transfer process. Pull the file over to C:\ (with Audacity off) and try that. If that fails, then yes, the show is probably toast.

Audacity has been getting a lot more particular about its drives.


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