Difficulties with Tascam US-16x09

I have bought a Tascam US-16x08

Now I have big problems with Audacity.

If I choose MME, or Windows Direct sound, then Audacity can have only mono or stereo channels.

If I choose Windows WASAPI, then Audacity allows me to choose Tascam US-16x8 and 8 channels. But if I press “REC”, Audacity says -9998 invalid number of channels, or “-9997 invalid sample rate”!

Now I have very difficult situation, because on next Sunday I should record a concert!

And if I read your earlier writings Audacity and Tascam US-16x08, I have not been able to find any help, only problems!

Can you help me!

Best regards

Leo Ainsalo

leo.ainsalo at gmail.com


I haven’t tried it myself but Audacity usually seems to have trouble with multi-track recording. Very few people seem to be doing it. it MIGHT work better on a Mac. There is some information in the Audacity Manual.

You probably should be using a full DAW. They are designed for multitrack recording and mixing. But you don’t have time for that.

Honestly, it’s probably too late to learn how to multi-track record.

Is there going to be a rehearsal that you can practice on, and possibly use as a back-up recording? …Even with a rehearsal there probably isn’t enough time to work-out any bugs.

Even if you can get everything set up, it would be a good idea to record in stereo at the same time with a 2nd system. A solid state recorder would be good if you can get your hands on one.

There’s just a lot that can go wrong with a computer. Even with experience and a known-good setup, things can go wrong and you often don’t know there was a problem until the next day.

If I was in a “panic situation” I’d try to get my hands on a Portastudio (no software to worry about). Maybe you can rent one but you still may not have enough time.

Thank you for your thoughts! Maybe I will come to the same conclusion as you! If not possible to multi-track record, then i have old mixer system with 7 microphones and 2 guitars drived into an old mixer and then via UR22 to PC and there Audacity stereo.
I have 2 pc i7 PCs. And now I am going to record with two systems this concert! Another system is two Sennheiser condensator microphones and X-Y recording above musicians (2 violins, 1 cello, 1 trumpet, 1 piano, 2 guitars) and now through the US-16x08 into the PC and there Audacity stereo recording.

I am wondering could it be possible to add possibility to record with Aucacity more channel than only mono or stereo? Nowadays more and more wants to record multitrack!

I have been using Audacity for over 10 years, so no problems with stereo recording!
Thank you very much for your helping me!

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