Cut outs when recording vocals


I returned to recording vocals with a backing track today after a several months’ hiatus due to health issues. I’m the OG technoramus, but I believe I remembered how to set things up as before, which was very basic - no bells and whistles aside from adding compression. This is with the newest 3.7.1 version, which I downloaded today.

So, what I’m encountering is some distortion, and cutting out when I sing high, in this particular instance when I sing “line” from “Wichita Lineman”. For a second or two it’s audible, then it disappears till the tail end.

I’ve never had this occur before, and have no idea how to correct it. Any assistance would be appreciated.

That sounds like Windows “audio enhancements”, which should be disabled for musical recordings …
[ Windows updates can re-enable “audio enhancements” ].

That’s for responding, Trebor

Yeah … looks like that was the bugger. Everything seems in order now.

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Such a common surprise pain point. I wonder if there’s an API Audacity could use to detect and flag a warning!?

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