Complete crash when pasting audio

I’ve got an Audacity project, and I’m just trying to copy one part of a track (a silence) to another part of the same track. As soon as I hit Ctrl+V, Audacity crashes.

It’s fine if I try to copy it to a new track or an empty part of the track timeline I’ve copied it from but I try to paste it onto existing audio, it just crashes rather than replace it as expected.

I’m on the latest version of Audacity and have done a fresh install as well, still the same problem.

Ok, turns out if I leave it long enough it will eventually work but we’re talking about 5 minutes for every paste…

I cannot replicate this - works fine for me on W10 with 3.7.0

The clip gets pasted, but I do get a strange offset when I try to paste at T=0

This looks like a bug to me, can anybody else replicate this?
If so I will log it as a bug on GitHub.

Testing shows this is a regression on 3.4.1, introduced in 3.4.2 - so I will be logging this tomorrow


I’ve solved my issue but in the dumbest way, it’s all to do with the stupid “smart clip” feature.

As long as I leave this on “Ask me each time” it will work. It doesn’t actually ask me each time at all but either of the other options will cause either a crash or for the paste to take an excruciatingly long time.

Logged as:
