Changing Latency while Recording

Hi there ,
I am experiencing issues with the latency in Audacity, I am trying to do some voice Acting and for that I need to get a live monitoring of what I am saying to see how i can Tweak my voice to imitate others. My problem is that the latency is always changing between recordings(here are some examples record1:293ms record2:289ms record3:289ms record4:290ms) and this makes it Impossible to speak clearly I´ve allready trieded to mess around with the bit rate ,the puffer and diffrent audio hosts. I am also using the newts version ,got no other programs running in the background and I am using a Tonor TC-777 usb mic and the OneOdio Over Ear Headphones but i´ve already tryed diffrent headphones. All my drivers are updadet and all the energy saving settings deacivated. I am working on Win11 btw.

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