Cannot Export Audio To message

I am using Audacity 2.1.0 and Mac OS X 10.10.3. I am doing an Export Multiple for exporting wav files. All tracks but the last were exported and a then message appeared telling me that “Audacity cannot export audio to (file name/track name).” I want the last track exported. What is the problem?

How many tracks do you have?


There are six tracks on the album.

Maybe Export Multiple is a red herring. Can you do it manually? Drag-select the last label to the end of the track. The label should be sticky/magnetic. File > Export Selected.


Does that last track have a forward slash (/) in its name? That will cause the error. It’s a known bug, but even though Mac supports a file name with “/” in it, it’s not a very good idea to use it because there is no guarantee other apps will behave properly with it. Also the file won’t be usable on Windows or Linux.


That worked. Thanks!

Thanks, but it’s always helpful to say what exactly worked. :wink:

This helps other users who may have the same problem.
