Can I use for client statements/interviews without an audacity account?

Hello all- brand new to this technology and researching options - likely an ignorant question. I’m wondering if Audacity could be used by my clients who have not downloaded the software? I.e. I have Audacity downloaded and I email the client a link, they record their message via that link and then I am able to access their recorded message? Would anything “like that” be feasible using this software? Guessing not - but thought I’d ask. :slight_smile:

Audacity is now associated with an audio host called “audio .com”.
You don’t need Audacity software to play/upload the sound recordings hosted there …

[Other audio hosts are available].

They will need Audacity or another audio recorder to make their own recordings.

There are other (simpler?) recording applications if they don’t need to edit.

I assume most smart phones also come with a recording app.

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