Can I still open my old audacity projects from a different computer if they’re still saved on my Microsoft OneDrive?

Can I still open my old audacity projects from a different computer if they’re still saved on my Microsoft OneDrive?

Aight long story short, my old laptop has completely stopped working and won’t turn on properly.

I had a bunch of covers from audacity on my computer. I used my phone to log in and check my OneDrive to see if the AUP files were saved and thankfully they all were.

Now the question I have is now that I’m getting a new laptop (exact same one I have now - just newer), if I download the same version of Audacity I had beforehand, can I still open these projects and have them remain the same? I still need to edit some of them.

Can you see both the aup file and the simlarly named _data folder?

MyMusic.aup and MyMusic_data, for example? Both are needed to open a show.

As I have posted before, you can put your production files anywhere you like as long as you don’t let Audacity see you do it. Move your work onto your home computer and only then run Audacity. Similarly, at the end of your production session, save or export the work onto the home computer. Close Audacity and then move the files around.

Some notes: All Audacity versions are expected to be able to open the older dual file format of aup file and _data folder.

Only the newer Audacity versions will open aup3 Projects.

Audacity 3.4.2 is not a bad newer version. Any newer versions than that have problems. If you know your work was done on an older Audacity, try 2.4.2.

When you shuffle back and forth between Audacity versions, reset each one before you use it. Tools > Reset Configuration.

You can get older Audacity versions from here.


See, that’s worrisome. The aup file is a list of instructions of how Audacity is to manage the music in the _data folder. Gotta have both.

It was a very serious problem with the older Audacity versions that producers thought the aup file was the whole show. It’s not.


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