File Export Audio (It’s set to mp3)
Export To Computer
Edit Metadata
If I enter for example this in to the comments section
(A time stamp and URL)
It gets duplicated
This was a known logged issue:
opened 09:08AM - 05 Sep 21 UTC
closed 09:48AM - 07 Jul 22 UTC
Scheduled for replacement
**Describe the bug**
Audacity writes double Year and Comment metadata. This do… es not show in Audacity - but does in other apps (MP3Tag and other player apps)
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. purge Audacity settings folder (ensures cleared matadata)
2. launch Audacity
3. Edit>Metadata
4. Observe: empty metadata fields
5. record a short piece of audio
6. File>Export>Export as MP3
7. fill in the metadata fields (see example below)
8. press OK to make the export
9. exit Audacity
10. relaunch Audacity
11. Edit metadata
12. Observe: metadata fields are empty (expected behavior)
13. Import the MP3 fole from stes 6-8
14. Edit>Metadata
15. Observe: metadata is same as at Step 7 - correct single entries (see image below)
16. File>Export>Export as MP3 (to a modified filename)
17. Observe: on Export the metatdata is the same as at steps 7 and 15
18. Launch Mp3tag
19. Examine the two MP3 files
20. Observe: both the year filed and the comment fieldd entries are doubled-up, separated with a double backslash, for both MP3 files (see image below)
**Expected behavior**
Metadata to be handled correctly and consistently.
Step 7 - metadata entered in Audacity
Step 15 - metadata drom imported MP3
Step 20 - MP3tag shows double-year and double-comment
**Additional information (please complete the following information):**
- OS: Windows 10 - but assume all platforms
- Version Audacity 3.0.4 and latest alpha 3.1.0
**Additional context**
a) This was originally logged on GitHub by user cubetroniv in December 2019:
year tag gets doubled #401
b) It was logged on Bugzilla (which had primacy for bug tracking at the time as P3 bug 2291
Bug 2291 - Metadata: Exported MP3 shows double year in MP3tag metadata
c) Both these logs were closed because at the time I could not reproduce this
d) The isue resurfaced on the Forum:
e) This led me to retest - and this time I could find a way to reproduce the users' complaints - so I logged this fresh bug to replace the prvious two logs
But Mused closed thst saying: " Improving metadata handling is not planned for the moment, closing for now. There may be a bigger metadata release eventually…"
And there are many other issues with metadata handling in Audacity - see this super bog:
opened 04:26PM - 12 Aug 21 UTC
Enhancement Request
medium feature
Metadata support is known to be patchy in Audacity.
- [x] #3188
- [ ] #2175 …
- [ ] #1944
- [ ] #1696
- [ ] #1620
- [ ] #1508
- [ ] #1506
- [ ] #1505
- [ ] #678
- [ ] #5825
- [x] #5494
Some (or all) of these may be fixed in future releases, but there aren't any concrete plans as of now.
<details><summary>Original report</summary>
### Discussed in
<div type='discussions-op-text'>
<sup>Originally posted by **petersampsonaudacity** June 1, 2021</sup>
Audacity really needs some attention paying to its handling of metadata (inbound and outbound). Metadata support is known to be patchy in Audacity.
1) there are several (currently 11 at time of writing - now 13) unfixed metadata bugs listed in the Bugzilla bugtracker:
This is a prime example:
Bug 701 - Metadata: Embedded album art and lyrics metadata discarded
This bug has lain untended/unfixed for seven and a half years
2) There is also a discussion proposal from 2018 in our Wiki:
3) We often get posts on the Forum about poor handling of metadata - this latest example from today is the one that triggered me to write this up:
Part of the problem is there is no universal standard for all metadata fields. Audacity does handle consistently the fields that are there by default in the metadata editor - but additional fields are not always handled properly/consistently - for example album art and lyrics are just discarded as stated above in Bug 701.</div>
June 3, 2024, 11:03am
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