Audio Export isn't in the same timing

After I finish editing my audio and I export it the audio is also one decimal second out of alignment. Is this something I can prevent from happening?

Would using Generate > Silence and creating a .086 Second segment in front of every edit be an answer… or is there something easier I don’t know about?

what file format are you exporting to?

Originally wav, but I also tried mp3 with the same problem

I’ve tried exporting some short audio files, and after importing them back into Audacity, their length seems perfectly fine. Could you give us more details @Raktus ? How long was the audio you exported? Was it stereo or mono? What version of Audacity did you use? What sample rate/bitrate did you use during the export?

Well, I gave a screenshot in the first image showing that the original and exported versions are out of synch with one another. It happens no matter how long the audio I’m exporting is. Also, it happens when I export in stereo or mono. I’m using Audacity 3.6.4 and I’ve been exporting at the sample rate of 48000 Hz.

Hi, @Raktus - I have tried to reproduce the issue by exporting an audio file of 1 minute length via Audacity and later exporting it into:

  • DaVinci Resolve
  • Adobe Premiere Pro

While DaVinci Resolve showed the correct length of the file on the timeline (1:00), Premiere showed the audio file to be shorter than it is.

Could you please let me know of which application was used to get the screenshot that you posted? It might be connected with the issue you’ve described.

I use MovAvi Video Editor… but both of you keep mentioning that the length of the file is the same. That isn’t what I was asking about. The length of my exports are the same as the originals, the timing changes on the exports, as per the screenshot I gave in the first post.

If I took a one minute video file and exported just it’s audio, both files would still be one minute long… but the exported audio would start a decimal second before the video’s original audio would. That is the problem I am getting on all my exports.

I suspect it’s something with your original audio/video file.

In your first post about this, I guessed that there was no audio stream (not even silent audio) for the 1st second of your audio/video file.

Audacity isn’t going to accidently add or remove silence from the beginning.

Also, the newer more highly-compressed formats seem to have more trouble with audio & video synchronization (when editing) than AVI or MPEG-2, but it sometimes happens with MPEG-2 also. But it’s usually less than 1-second.

It’s also likely that once you’ve fixed the synchronization and created a new A/V file it will be permanently fixed and if you re-open the audio with Audacity again, it will be OK.

…Note that certain lossy audio formats (like MP3) will add a few milliseconds of silence to the beginning and end so you might not get perfect results, but that-alone won’t cause it to be off by 1 second. It’s best if you can import a WAV file back-into your audio/video editor and let it take care of compression to the final format.

Well, it happens with every file I export. I just took a screenshot of one example to show at the start of this thread. So it isn’t a one time thing… but I guess you are suggesting that when I use OBS to record, it always adds a blank second to the start of its recording?

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