I have started to use a three year-old HP laptop as my Windows 10 desktop has stopped working. The laptop has just converted to Windows 11. I recorded on audacity the sound from a YouTube video, something which I have achieved successfully many times on my desktop to do this. I found I had to record with the speakers in loopback mode. I could see the sine waves when I recorded but could not play it back. Although it appeared to be playing no sound came out of the speakers. I exported to MP3 and plays back the recording successfully using another app. I need to be able to listen to what I recorded in audacity in order to be able to edit it. I tried with the settings both in and out of loopback mode.
Make sure you’ve selected the correct Playback Device.
Thanks. The laptop offers only the built-in Realtech speakers as playback device. I have followed several interesting links in the Manual page you kindly sent, but to no avail, and also switched off Bluetooth in case that was the problem.
However I have noticed that if I play back at full volume, the music plays back as shown by the moving green lines in the top right corner of the window. However they vary between -41 and -60 dB, and if I listen carefully I can hear a faint sound though it is quite indistinct. Is there perhaps a sound limiting option in Audacity which I might have accidentally activated?
Another possibility is that audacity has failed to respond to my instruction to take the speakers out of Loop back mode so are still looping back thereby cancelling the playback output
My instinct told me all along that there must be a simple answer to this problem and indeed there was, although I could find no reference to this in the manual. To the extreme right Of the playback meter is a circular icon. Just for fun, I clicked it and the laptop immediately burst into music. Problem solved!
I saw a post on another service that went like this…
“My friends ask me how I solve so many problems with software, and my answer is that I click everything.”
I think I was doing just that, subconsciously or By instincts… I suppose audacity developers must have expected a situation whereby one would want to play a file without listening to it although I can’t imagine when that would be.
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