All sound files created are corrupted

One more. This is the desired MP3 format for ACX Audiobook Submissions.

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Actually I am not using at all, the other person on here was focused on me using it. Those files are not directly transferable to ACX so I don’t really understand why I would want to use it at all. I am having problems with Audacity saving MP3 files. All the MP3 files I have tried to save are corrupt. They pass the ACX tests in Audacity, the sound and everything is fine, if I restore the file it still plays but ACX says there is something wrong with the file and rejects it. Every time I try to save I get that notification from my One Drive saying all deleted files are deleted everywhere and explaining that the files are corrupt so they have been automatically deleted.

Yes, I know. This is my third audiobook, the others are long accepted, available and for sale. This is not a me problem, maybe a my computer problem but I assure you, I know how to save a file.

Oddly that can be an interesting clue. ACX is usually pretty good about telling you why they rejected your work. The fact that they didn’t means they’re as mystified as we are.

It’s almost like Audacity is exporting the wrong show.

There is a troubleshooting technique I sometimes drag out if the problem resists solution any other way. If somebody wrote me a big check and told me to intentionally create this problem, how would I do it?

I don’t know that I can. It’s not even clear what the problem is other than bad sound. Let me rephrase that. Sound that doesn’t follow the performer’s voice.

Gargly, speaking into a wineglass voice is usually put down to processing errors. But those errors all happen before file export.

Your test sounds like what happens when Audacity tries to record Skype or Zoom room echo cancellation instead of the real user voice. The real voice and the exported product are two different shows.

I think I give up.

If someone provides valuable info, solutions, or solves the problem, do post back.


I told you my sound files are good, the sound is good, the mic is good. The one test file I placed here didn’t have great sound because it was just a test file to see if it would be corrupted upon saving, which it was. If it didn’t pass ACX it would say why, yes, and it doesn’t I think because s soon upload it it is already flagged because according to my One Drive it is already corrupt. This has absolutely nothing to do with sound quality.

So your works aren’t sound files any more. They’re just digital trash.

I think I can connect some pieces. Audacity, particularly in the last few updates, does not like non-local drives. One Drive is a Microsoft-hosted, internet-based, external drive.

Audacity 3.5 versions seem to be aggressive about this, but the problem may go back to the Audacity 3.4 series. There are forum posters that have dropped back to Audacity 2.4.2, but there are no guarantees there, either.

Audacity assumes that any drive it can see can be used for any of its jobs no matter how delicate or difficult. One Drive may seem perfect to you, but actually putting data on Microsoft’s servers and getting it off again has to go through internet protocols and those are not gentle, accurate, or predictable.

I think that’s where your damage may be coming from. The solution is do all your work on your internal local drive including exporting the finished ACX MP3 files. Then close Audacity, log into ACX, and upload the work.

Forget One Drive for this application.

If you want to do an interesting test, take that all the way up to exporting the MP3 files on the local drive. Close Audacity and then push the MP3s up to One Drive. I bet they survive. If they do then that will be your chapter-at-a time production process.

Microsoft has been getting aggressive about controlling users machines. It’s possible you can’t separate yourself from the One Drive connections. In that case, this will never work. You’ll be stuck with a second, isolated machine or a different audio application.


To be clear, if you want to open up an MP3 from One Drive and edit it, or open up an Audacity Project file, you need to pull it down to the local drive with Audacity closed.

Then launch Audacity and open the work.

That’s my silly joke about using One Drive all you want, you just can’t let Audacity catch you doing it.

Post back how it goes. This will be the most severe case of drive management problems.


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