Yesterday I reported a spam from my Wrecks0 account and it looks like it was suspended instead of the spammer.
I’ve taken a look at your Wrecks0 account, and it looks like your guess is correct, so I have re-enabled your account.
Do you recall which post you reported?
I cannot find the offending post.
I had posted about how Windows 11 is disabling audio because of a bad update, and someone posted a reply saying, “for more details, hit this link” and the link was spam.
I had something like this happen the one other time I flagged a spam post, so I have learned by lesson. I won’t flag spam any longer.
It’s too bad that spam exists in the first place.
Thanks - I’ve managed to trace that event and the spam post was removed.
I’ve checked that too, and I noticed that in both cases, your posts contained just one sentence and the entire sentence was a link. Your posts should not have been flagged in either case, but I can see how the mistakes were made - In each case, the moderator would have seen your post, followed by a spam post, and both your post and the spam post were hyperlinks with no additional text, which looks suspicious.
Please do flag spam when you see it - it helps to keep this forum safe and useful for all.
I would however suggest that you avoid post that contain only a link, as such posts are commonly seen from spammers.
Glad to see you are able to use your original account again