3.7 The track moves while it plays, which is annoying because I can’t isolate where the clicks are that need to be removed when the track moves. Can I disable this feature?
Yes. Click on the “gear” icon at the left of the time line. Uncheck “Continuous scrolling”.
See Timeline - Audacity Manual
Thanks so much!!! You are a God Send.
FYI - The Spectrogram View (or Multi-View) also often makes it easier to find “ticks” and “clicks”.
There is a note about that. If you’re reading for audiobooks, cover up the noises with selections of room tone or other generated sound with Punch Copy-Paste. Do Not use Generate > Silence. Blackness of Space Silence can trigger production error detectors. They don’t like that.
You can’t always just cut out the noises because that will change the duration of your chapter and may mess up the theatrical flow of your words.
The two-word rule of audiobook reading: No Distractions!
Yes, I will try that! Thanks for reminding me to do this.
Yes, I have come across that. I do use a track of room tone so I don’t have “silence” between words.