3.6.4 won't let me paste - says not enough room - reopening topic as not answered before

Hallo I know this has appeared before but there wasn’t a good answer before - Moderators PLEASE , I have got a new laptop and have been populating it with what I need - the Audacity offered is 3.6.4 - SO CLUNKY ,… So FIRST PROBLEM is when I try to edit and drop in new material it says there is NO SPACE … it did the same when I tried to generate silence to accommodate new tune added in multitrack so I could move everything else along.

Additionally when I managed to add silence to a track to make it longer to take up the space none of the other tracks moved and I am back to square one

I seem to remember there was a fix for the previous version - is there one for this one. I have A DEADLINE and this is killing me!!! PLEASE HELP IF ANYONE CAN THANK YOU

The current version of Audacity is 3.6.4 - is this the version that you mean?

Moderator note: I edited the original past to 3.6.4 to avoid confusion.

The “no space” issue is probably due to a changed setting in Preferences. Try enabling “Editing a clip can move other clips” .

YES - well detected and THANK YOU … I did also look on youtube not expecting your wonderful swift reply and found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgCdM76hi0I#ddg-play and hey presto THANK YOU TOO

HOWEVER it automatically moved the material on the next track without me inserting silence. In this instance it’s what I would have done but may not want to do that every time - how can I avoid that please?

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This behaviour is pretty new (3.6.2 and later), and I don’t know for sure if it is intentional or a bug. It is logged on the issue tracker here.

@LWinterberg can you clarify?

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