Hallo I know this has appeared before but there wasn’t a good answer before - Moderators PLEASE , I have got a new laptop and have been populating it with what I need - the Audacity offered is 3.6.4 - SO CLUNKY ,… So FIRST PROBLEM is when I try to edit and drop in new material it says there is NO SPACE … it did the same when I tried to generate silence to accommodate new tune added in multitrack so I could move everything else along.
Additionally when I managed to add silence to a track to make it longer to take up the space none of the other tracks moved and I am back to square one
I seem to remember there was a fix for the previous version - is there one for this one. I have A DEADLINE and this is killing me!!! PLEASE HELP IF ANYONE CAN THANK YOU
HOWEVER it automatically moved the material on the next track without me inserting silence. In this instance it’s what I would have done but may not want to do that every time - how can I avoid that please?