3.6.2 crash on exiting a project

  1. Open a project last edited in 3.6.1.
  2. Make changes and save.
  3. Click X at top right to close project.
  4. App closes abruptly without compacting.
  5. Crash report appears.

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Hi. Anyone want to discuss/address this?

In 3.6.2 it takes almost 3 seconds after selecting play for the sound to start. Previous versions did not have this problem ( incl 3.6.1.) Latest Unbuntu. Program crashes while trying if diff playback devices will fix. Pipewire meter indicates but no sound. Default meter indicates but no sound. UMC404HD USB (my Uphoria digital interface) plays back with the long delay. Audacity crashes after selecting the device, then uses the device after restarting. This device has always worked well in past versions.

I have re-installed 3.6.1 so I can at least edit and play without the delay. I will keep this version until something after 3.6.2. It also crashes less than previous versions.

Yes, David.
I am able to save a file after I’ve been working on for a couple of hours.
And the saved file is good.
But when I then try to close the file I get this same Problem Report window that contains a LOT of code.
It tells me to “send” the report back to Audacity but then it crashes and I get a message that the send “failed”.
I haven’t yet lost any files or data but I’m concerned that I might.
I’ve been using Audacity for 8 years now and have never had any problems at all.
I have a weekly radio show and I’ve recorded over 400 of these shows in two hour mp3 files so far.
Should I just drop this version and go back to a previous one?

I have the same problem with 3.6.2 on Windows 11

Ctrl-W to shut recording and open new recording - crash, report but “Failed to send crash report”.
I think this must be something new in 3.6.2. as I have never had a problem with Audacity before - great program. Thanks to programmers.

Same problem. If two Audacity’s are open then they both crash when trying to close one.

This problem is repeatable on 3 machines I’m using (Win10/11).
The condition occurs when closing Audacity 3.6.2 (using the X in the upper right corner) while there’s still a project in the editing window.

Exiting Audacity (via X in the corner) does work when I Save the project, then exit the project inside the editor (clear the editing window), before exiting Audacity via the X box.

estou registrando o mesmo problema.
ainda não tive perda de arquivo, mas me preocupa também.
uso o Audacity pra editar meu microcast, mas ao atualizar começou a aparecer essa janela com relatório de erro.
procurei por um email que eu pudesse enviar o relatĂłrio, mas nĂŁo encontrei.

I feel your pain! I have the dreaded exception access violation read when I am recording. Keep getting total crash after about 10 minutes. Have used audacity for over a decade with no problems . If only there was an easy way to go back to 3.5!
Tried to install 3.6.2 ……failed install, stuck with useless 3.6.1

This crash is still occuring in 3.6.3. It just took a day and ahalf to start popping up.

Audacity 3.6.2 crashed on updating from previous version - screen frozen.
Problem report fails to send.

I am having the same issue and have been experiencing it with the last 3 versions of Audacity. Crash Reports can’t be sent either.

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