20+ gb is not enough to import 1.3 gb of audiofiles


I try to import audio files in total 1.3 gb in Audacity and I want to export those files in mono and with a medium quality to reduce the size of the files. I have more than 20 gb when I start, yet after importing three quarters of the desired files, I get the message that my disk is full.

Could someone please explain in lay terms why 20 + gb is not enough capacity to work on an audacity project that contains 1.3 gb of files?

Thanks in advance.

Audacity does use a high-quality “large” uncompressed format for temporary files. If your files are compressed (MP3, etc.) they will “expand” by quite a bit.

If are on Windows and you just want to convert without editing, try Kabuu Audio Converter or TAudioConverter.

Assuming you are using a compressed format, mono MIGHT not save that much space. You can try it both ways. (A stereo WAV file is twice the size of a mono file but compression algorithms are “smart” and they can save space by not duplicating sounds that are the same in both channels.).

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