clic avant enregistrement

Bonjour et merci pour ce logiciel!!
Je voulais savoir s’il était possible de démarrer un clic avant mon enregistrement? J’explique
Une batterie enregistrée en stéréo piste 1, elle démarre à 0 sur la piste.
Je veux enregistrer ma guitare dès le début de la batterie. J’appui sur enregistrement, ça démarre et je ne suis pas prêt…

Voila pourquoi un clic réglable me permettrai de démarrer syncro avec la batterie!

Est ce possible ça?

Merci d’avance

WINDOWS 7 et 8 sur pc portable

Je ne parle pas français. Générer > Click Track.


hello and thank you, this is not exactly what I want.
I translate my previous post with google translation:

Hello and thank you for this software!
I wanted to know if it was possible to start a click before my record? I explain
Battery 1 track recorded in stereo, it starts at 0 on the track.
I want to record my guitar at the beginning of the battery. I press record, it starts and I’m not ready …

That is why an adjustable click syncro allow myself to start with the battery!

Is this possible?

Thank you in advance

I assume by “battery” that you mean a drum track? “Battery” in English means a removable power device.

Click Track should do what you want if you generate a click track that has the BPM of the drum track. Then press F5 on your computer keyboard and drag the drum track rightwards by one bar. If the click track moves as well as the drum track, click above the Mute/Solo buttons in the drum track before dragging the drum track.

Press HOME on your keyboard so that recording starts from zero (your count-in).

You can always realign the drum track and the guitar track with zero if you need to. Standard export will ignore the space before the tracks start.
