Panique : "impossible de trouver le répertoire...."

Je rencontre un gros problème avec audacity : lorsque j’essaie d’ouvrir mon fichier .aup, j’obtiens le message suivant : “impossible de trouver le répertoire de données du projet” puis “impossible de charger le fichier”. Je ne comprends vraiment pas, le fichier a été sauvegardé correctement, je ne l’ai pas changé de place ni quoi que ce soit…Pour info, le fichier se trouve dans un dossier contenant de multiples fichiers .aup et de dossiers “data” associés à ces fichiers…
Que faire ? Help !
Merci par avance.
(Audacity version 2.0.4)

Comme vous pouvez écrire en anglais, il sera plus facile si vous utilisez le principal Aide Forum Audacity lorsque vous avez un sérieux problème.

Le dossier de _data pour le projet doit être dans le même dossier que le fichier AUP.

AUP et dossier de _data doivent avoir le même nom, comme “song.aup” et “song_data”.

S’il vous plaît joignez le fichier AUP si vous avez encore un problème. S’il vous plaît voir ici pour savoir comment joindre des fichiers: .

La dernière version est Audacity 2.0.5.


As you can write English it will be more convenient if you use the main Audacity Help Forum when you have a serious problem.

The _data folder for the project must be in the same folder that the AUP file is in. The AUP and _data folder must have the same name, such as “song.aup” and “song_data”.

Please attach the AUP file if you still have a problem. Please see here for how to attach files: .

The latest Audacity version is 2.0.5.


Hi Gale,
Ok, thanks for your answer, I’ll try posting in English next time, but I have a French version of Audacity so it was easier for me to explain the problem by giving the exact error message…
I wasn’t sure if it was really compulsory to have the .aup file inside the data folder…
The strange thing is, in this “general folder” all my .aup files are not inside their respective data folder, and I’ve been working on them for 2 months without any problem, so I just thought that as long everything was kept in the same “general folder” it was OK…(I don’t know if I’m very clear)
The file I’m having the problem with is the only one that isn’t working. Yesterday evening I decided to re-edit the original file, instead of wasting hours trying to fix the problem.
Now, with my dozens of other .aup files, do you suggest that I move them inside of their data folder? I am totally scared to lose anything!
Thanks again (and sorry, there must be a lot of English mistakes)

ps: I tried putting the .aup files in their respective data folders (a copy of them, just for trying) and I got the error message (“impossible to find the…”). Something is really strange!

Hi, Tengri.

You speak good English. I am just saying that if you have a serious problem you will probably get a faster answer in the main Audacity Help forum. Of course you can post here in French, and repost in the main part of the Forum if you get no answer here.

Having the AUP file inside the _data folder will cause the error that the project _data folder cannot be found (as you just discovered).

In other words, the AUP file goes with the _data folder, but not inside the _data folder.

So yes, keeping all the AUP files and their _data folders in the same “general” folder will be OK.

The problem AUP file must be corrupted somehow, or the _data folder that belongs with it got renamed.


OK, now I understand, thank you.