Record at Work--Edit at home

I am VERY VERY VERY new to Audacity, and I just use the basics. I have a Podcast club with my 3rd/4th grade students. I recorded them at school, saved the recordings on a network drive.

Now I am at home, and I want to edit a podcast, so I DL the file AND WHAT I THINK is the file that goes with it, but when I open the project it says it can’t find the data that goes with it(even though I have the data DL).

The problem isn’t DL everything, it’s being able to open the project once i have it on my desktop.

Please help.


OK, so you saved an Audacity Project and it created MyShow.aup (project manager) and MyShow_data folder (with all the sounds and snippets). Did it open before you left school? Audacity isn’t always completely comfortable with network drives.

The manager file and the data folder should have exactly the same name and they should exist in exactly the same location or folder to open. Audacity will not go down multiple folders or directories looking for the show.

Did anything in the system change a name? That’s deadly. The Audacity project name is burned into the coding, it’s not optional.

Open the aup file in Text Edit or some text editor and read the first few lines. There should be a listing for the show name.

Here is a project I expanded to make it easier to read. Note the entry called projname=. That’s the title of my show.

You can also have problems with early versions of Audacity. You didn’t mention which version you have.


Just to cover it. You are double clicking the AUP file to open the show, right?