How would one create an audio effect of spinning?

Hi there. Please excuse me if this isn’t the correct place to post this, I’m new to the forums, but not new to Audacity. I know everything is to know about it. :smiley:
Anyway, If someone could help me, that would be awesome.

How would I create the illusion of a sound spinning around your head when wearing headphones?
For example, It starts in front of you, then turns around to the left ear, then the back, then right, then front.

Thanks so much, I’ve heard it, and I want to know how it’s done.

-Evan The Human

It’s the ‘behind you’ part that kills. I don’t know that there is a standard way to make sound do that.

Is the original a stereo signal?


Dual-tape-decks” plugin produces something close …

dual tape decks settings for around head-ish effect.png
But it needs something to cyclically modify the equalization for a “behind the head” illusion.

[ of course this type of binaural effect is only going to work on headphones ]

Hey, that’s really cool, Trebor.

I finally found the song that makes for a GREAT example of what I’m trying to do.

Would that be made the same way?

It is very tricky to produce binaural effects from “scratch”. Even if recorded, not all people are able to localize the intended directions, especially front and back.
I’ve included some spinning effects in a plug-in. They are rather intended for speakers, but they might suit your needs anyway.
I will consider if it is possible to integrate a adaptive filter to enhance the back/front impression (Blauert bands).

Here’s the newest plug-in version 1.4
The help is not complete yet, but it might suffice to just play around.
rjh-stereo-tool.ny (28.9 KB)
The original thread:

To do it accurately there’s some fancy (complicated) calculations involved for working out delay, amplitude and filter coefficients. However, just applying a sinusoidal sweep to the pan position and a little “low pass” filtering when the sound is “on the other side or behind your head” will probably work sufficiently well.

I’ve posted a plug-in here: