Half speed playback on file from arecord


I am trying to play back a wav generated with the arecord command. I do:

arecord > test.wav
Recording WAVE 'stdout' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono

When I open this file with audacity and play it, it sounds like it is playing back at half speed. The Project Rate is set to 8000 Hz. How can I make it play back normally? The aplay command plays it correctly.

Which version of Audacity?
Which version of Linux?

How exactly did you “open” the test.wav file?
Do other files play correctly in Audacity?
Have you tried rebooting your computer?


Which version of Linux?

Ubuntu 16.04. It also plays back half speed on windows.

How exactly did you “open” the test.wav file?

File → Open → “Make a copy”

Do other files play correctly in Audacity?

The wavs downloaded from http://www.music.helsinki.fi/tmt/opetus/uusmedia/esim/index-e.html play back fine.

Have you tried rebooting your computer?


Does playing back files from arecord work fine for you? Maybe the recording device is not actually recording in the format it says or is broken in some other way?


You can check that with “MediaInfo”. It should be available in the Ubuntu repository (the GUI version is probably easiest to use).