"Audacity" cannot be opened


I cannot provide the three-section version number of Audacity because i can’t open the program.

Attempting to open Audacity for the first time ai get a window:
““Audacity” cannot be opened because the identity of the developer cannot be determined.”

The message is coming from Gatekeeper, which is intended to prevent you from accidentally running unknown software that may be unsafe. Gatekeeper is frequently over cautious, but can sometimes protect you from malware, so it shouldn’t be turned off completely.

The first thing to do is to ensure that you have a genuine and undamaged download of Audacity 2.2.2 for Mac.
Assuming that you downloaded the DMG file via the Audacity website (https://www.audacityteam.org/download/mac/), then to test it:

  1. Go to this site: https://md5file.com/calculator
  2. Ensure that “SHA-256” is selected (easiest if you deselect the other options)
  3. Upload your DMG file to that page
  4. Check that the resulting SHA-256 is:

If the SHA-256 does not match, then you need to delete your download, and drag your installed Audacity folder to Trash, and re-download the DMG via the Audacity website.
Note that the Audacity download links are text links - we do not use download buttons.

When you have a DMG file that has a SHA-256 that matches the one listed above, follow the instructions on this page to install it: https://www.audacityteam.org/download/mac/

When Audacity is installed, you should be able to launch it without Gatekeeper complaining, but if Gatekeeper still complains, right click (or control + click) on the installed Audacity App, and confirm that you want to run the application. It is safe to overrule Gatekeeper here, provided that you have checked that the SHA-256 for “audacity-macos-2.2.2.dmg” was correct.

For more information about on-line safety when downloading, see: https://www.audacityteam.org/download/online-safety-when-downloading/