Upload of data files to Google Drive mistakenly cancelled

Hello, I am desperately hoping you can help me to recover the files I lost when I stupidly cancelled an upload to Google Drive of Audacity data files for multiple recordings.

I am using Mac OS X 10.12.6. and Audacity 2.0.5.

The upload of the aup files was complete. It was the data files that hadn’t yet fully loaded when I clicked Cancel by accident.


Whenever I push files off to an external drive—any drive—the original files stay put until I delete them, usually after I’m sure the transfer worked OK. Doesn’t Google Drive work like that?

Are you sure the originals are gone? Do a spotlight search for the work.

Do you keep a constant Time Machine backup while you’re working? I think that will give you let you back up in ten minute jumps of time, so you can back up to before the transfer.

There is some awkward chance of recovering a show if you lose the AUP Project Manager, but if you flush some of the contents of the _DATA folder, I think that’s the end of the world.

We recommend very strongly that you export WAV (Microsoft) 16-bit sound files in addition to the Project. Certainly make a WAV file of any original readings, songs or other performances. Also when you complete a show, Export that as a WAV, too. The only time that would not work is if your Project was a work-in-progress with multiple tracks and stacked effects. Then you’re stuck with the Project format.

If you’re very new at this, note that Projects do not save UNDO. Once you close Audacity, UNDO goes away.

Have you closed Audacity from the edit session? If not, the Project may still be there. Edit > UNDO.


There’s still a piece of this missing. Were you saving the Audacity work directly to Google Drive?

I would stop doing that. If network services crashes during a transfer, you may get the same damage you have now and crash Audacity as well. Audacity doesn’t do well with Network Drives. If that’s what you were doing and then you closed Audacity, that’s the end. There is no copy of the show unless you were using live Time Machine.

You can get Audacity 2.1.3 from here.

