What happened to the Homebrew Cask for Audacity?

Hi all,

First off, thanks for an awesome, very powerful piece of free software.

I know Audacity was removed from Homebrew casks a long time ago (though I don’t know why). I was wondering if there are any plans for bringing it back. It would be nice be able to install Audacity from the command line, and to be notified of available upgrades along with all the rest of my software. Or, at the very least, it would be nice to know why that’s not available for Audacity.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Audacity does not officially support Homebrew, Fink and the like.


Audacity doesn’t support Homebrew Casks and because of this the offical Homebrew team doesn’t support audacity either.

That said, I’ve made an unofficial Audacity Casks! It was a little tricky to get around fosshub but it works. Check it out: https://gist.github.com/varenc/f7f0afc32af0f8062ae727e4415326c6

You can install it directly like this:
brew cask install https://gist.githubusercontent.com/varenc/f7f0afc32af0f8062ae727e4415326c6/raw/2009a281d927c0efbb179fdcbfea0b2d602e7bed/audacity.rb

or use “brew cask upgrade” if you want to update an older audacity cask

(given how easy Audacity is to download, there’s not a serious need for this. Also, this is very unofficial and might break in the future)

Hmm if the above example is getting occasional errors. Try this instead:

➜ cd /tmp
➜ wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/varenc/f7f0afc32af0f8062ae727e4415326c6/raw/aec6e3d4bc9a53de440411acfb932b792783a9e8/audacity.rb
➜ brew cask install ./audacity.rb

If installation fails with the following message:

Error: It seems the App Suite source ‘/usr/local/Caskroom/audacity/2.3.2/Audacity’ is not there.

create the installation directories manually by entering the following commands:

$ mkdir /usr/local/Caskroom/audacity/
$ mkdir /usr/local/Caskroom/audacity/2.3.2
$ mkdir /usr/local/Caskroom/audacity/2.3.2/Audacity

After that, the installation should succeed.

Well please disregard my last post.

While the error message disappears after creating the installation directories, the installation process is not successful.

The “official” way to get Audacity for macOS, is via the links on the main Audacity website: https://www.audacityteam.org/download/mac/
The packages that we link to on the main Audacity website are the only packages that we support.