Mac not detecting turntable when I plug it into USB

I’m running Mac OS X 10.10.5 and Audacity 2.1 on my MacBook Air. When I plug the turntable into my laptop using the USB cable, my mac doesn’t detect the device. Help!

We don’t make 2.1 - all versions have three numbers (please see the pink panel at the top of the page).

If your Mac does not detect the device, that’s the end of the story. Have you tried a different USB cable, and made sure that it is tight at both ends? Try rebooting with the turntable switched on and the cable tightly connected.



Thanks for the version number. It’s a little old, but not the cause of the problem.


Rebooting didn’t help. I’ll have to try another cable, I guess.

Is the turntable powered on?
– Bill