Computer won't allow installation

I have a new iMac running OSX 10.8.2. I downloaded Audacity, but the computer says it will permit only Apple apps to be installed. Suggestions?

Do you have FireFox, Photoshop or any other non-Apple application?

We had difficulty with our videoconferencing application. I don’t remember how they resolved it. I know we’ve been putting off upgrading for a long time because of application problems.

No, no other non-Apple apps yet. I intend to get the Adobe suite, but now I’m wondering…

Topic moved to the Mac forum.

What is the exact message?

If this is still a problem, please right-click or control-click on the Audacity application in Finder, choose “Open”, then in the dialogue box that appears, choose “Open”. You will then be able to launch Audacity normally on subsequent occasions.

Another link .
