Look of window has changed??

I’m using Audacity 2.2.2 on Windows 7 Professional 64-bit.

I did a CTRL-A to “select all” and suddenly the tracks in my window show as a lighter stream in a darker window frame. Also, when I select all now, only the darker window frame turns white to show it’s selected. Tracks used to be solid white when I did “select all.” I also now have an additional grid at either end of each track, that wasn’t there before. SHIFT-CTRL-A unselects all but doesn’t change the look of the window.

I tried to close the project and open it again, to get rid of the change in the window, and Audacity said the project was “open in another window” - but I couldn’t find any way to get to the other window, so I had to exit Audacity and re-import the wav file.

What did I do? Why did this change? I lost all the work I did before. I hate it when the program does things I don’t understand.

You’ve accidentally selected multi-tool

Thank you. Now I have to figure out how to turn it off, since my very simple normal processing doesn’t use it. Maybe if I click on the asterisk again?

No - click on the I-beam at the top-left of the Tools Toolbar