Can’t change split track to mono

Hi I’m trying to remove the vocals from my track, I get so far as doing invert effect on the bottom track but after that is done I can’t find the option to make the track mono. Please help someone

While you’re messing with that, take a clean version of the song (you kept a clean safety copy, right?) and Effect > Vocal Remover.

Vocal Remover does all those splitting and flipping jobs for you.

You can also try Effect > Vocal Reduction and Isolation. That’s more sophisticated and likely to give you a better job.

Please note Vocal Removal fails more often than it succeeds. All those videos on YouTube? They got lucky. Note they never do it to more than one song. They do it to one song, make a video and go home.

Vocal Removal will fail:

– If you have a mono show (one blue sound wave).
– If you have a two-track mono show (two blue waves but they’re the same).
– If your original song is highly compressed MP3.
– If the lead singer isn’t in the left-right middle of the sound field.
– If the lead singer has heavy stereo echo added.
– If you don’t mind that the instruments in the middle go too, like Drums and Bass.


Yea I have a two track mono and they’re both the same. At least I know now why it hasn’t been working for me, thank you!