Mid-way project crashing.

Looking for any suggestions!
It has only been a few weeks since I’ve been having this problem, but it will not just magically go away so I am seeking help.
Audacity keeps freezing up on me about half way through all of my projects, which are normally only 5-10 minutes of length, with {multiple tracks}
It will be running fine, about half way through it freezes up when I try to playback, I have to use task manager to close the program, then as I open it up my files will still be there just fine, it’s then when I use the play (spacebar) button, it will freeze up and I will have to force close it.
I have tried to copy and paste all the tracks into another project, same problem.
Open to all suggestions!

I know I’m the only one who does this, but your symptoms map perfectly to “running out of computer.”

Are you running out of space on your drives? Doesn’t have to be the drive running Audacity, either. If any drive connected to the computer is running out of resources, it can cause real-time problems.

Disconnect the network/internet. It’s the fashion to real-time connect your machine to the outside world and that can cause terrific timing problems. Part B, do not do production on an iDrive or The Cloud. Just don’t.

When was the last time you optimized your drives? Machines like to chop up your work into tiny parts to make everything fit. If the bits get too tiny, the machine may take forever finding all of them.


Please note if your drives are getting full, the optimizing process may take forever, so we keep coming back to making more room.


There’s another one of these I haven’t thought about in a long time. Do you use Quick Start? Nobody liked it when Windows took forever to start, so Microsoft made it snappy by not checking everything. One of things it stopped checking is memory.

You might look for start up preferences. Also, when you shut down, do a clean shutdown by Shift-Shutdown instead of the regular one. When it comes back up, it will take a lot longer, but check more things.
