Minidisc to S/PDIF - No devices show in Device Toolbar


I am VERY new to Audacity. I’ve read the tutorials, used Google, and have now come to this forum for help. I’ve connected my MiniDisc player via optical audio cable to my S/PDIF input on my soundcard. However, no devices show up in the Devices Toolbar. Suggestions?

As it states in the upper right hand corner of my original post, I’m using Windows 10.

I have a couple of guesses…

It might be an output (playback) connection. Are there two S/PDIF connectors, one for input and one for output? Do you have the documentation for your computer or motherboard?

Right-click the Windows speaker/volume icon and bring-up Recording Devices. If you see it, make sure it’s enabled. If you don’t see it, right-click somewhere in the that window and select both Show Disabled Devices and Show Disconnected Devices. If it still doesn’t show-up, check Playback Devices to see if it shows-up there.

If it doesn’t show-up at all you might be missing a driver or it could be disabled in your BIOS.

There’s only one S/PDF. I’ve already right clicked the volume icon too with no results. I’ll go over your suggestions and try again. I’ll post my results. Thank you for your help.