Tracks automatically being deleted....

Either while recording or when trying to save a project tracks are automatically being deleted. They are even being deleted in the saved file.

When I try to reopen the file I get the following message…

“Project check of “xxxx” folder detected 22 missing audio data (.au) blockfiles probably due to a bug, system crash, or accidental deletion. There is no way to recover these files automatically. “

The log in part reads:
10:17:36: Loading avcodec from ‘’.
10:17:36: Error: Failed to load shared library ‘.dll’ (error 126: the specified module could not be found.)
10:17:36: Loading avformat from ‘avformat-55.dll’.
10:17:36: Error: Failed to load shared library ‘avformat-55.dll’ (error 126: the specified module could not be found.)
10:17:36: Error: Failed to load FFmpeg libraries.
10:17:36: Error: Failed to find compatible FFmpeg libraries.

Which version of Audacity are you using? (look in: “Help menu > About Audacity”)

If you’re using Audacity 2.2.1, avoid using “File menu > Save Project As…” unless you are saving the project with a new name. (If you are just updating a project that has already been saved, use “File menu > Save Project” or “Ctrl + S”)

I was using 2.2.1 and was also getting a message when “Updating” that said the file already exists…pick another name. So I did. Still, tracks were being deleted.

I have since downloaded 2.2.2 beta, but have not given it a test run yet.

but have not given it a test run yet.

Report back. 2.2.2 is designed to avoid a problem that sounds like the one you might have.

Those aren’t “tracks.” those are little six—second snippets of the show.


So far I am not having the same problem with 2.2.2 as I was with 2.2.1. …and I have been recording and saving my work for hours now. It is much more stable.