Change Pitch Modified (Possibly a plugin)

So today when working with audio I researched on how to use auto tune. In order to do this I installed both vst-bridge and G-snap. After working with these I needed to use the vanilla “change pitch” with a bit of audio. When I did that I noticed something was off. Not only did it sound horrible it was faster too, despite my use of change pitch rather than change speed. I re-opened change pitch and discovered it was detecting what key it thought the original was (which I am unsure if it did before) and then but the first key you would manually set to that but with a Hz of over 1000 (for example, it starts at B 7 with a Hz of 4000). While yes I can manually change that what I can’t change was the noticeable tempo boost it also gave me. Again I was not using change speed this was most defiantly change pitch. I tried disabling all of the new plugins but the problem persists. It is possible another plug in was installed with vst-bridge, because I have found a few I did not regocnize, but disabling those yielded the same result, or lack thereof. Windows 10 audacity 2.1.2

I’m not following what you’re doing… I guess you’re not using Antares Auto-Tune because Auto-Tune does not support Audacity.

Are you using GSnap? Audacity’s Change Pitch effect?

Is the tempo change proportional to the pitch change? Does the tempo change if you don’t do anything? How much does the temp change?

If you’re getting a pitch shift without doing anything, Audacity does have a Playback Speed control that you may have accidently changed. Or, sometimes the clock (oscillator) in the recording device doesn’t match the clock in the playback device. When that happens, it plays back at the wrong speed, resulting in a tempo and pitch-shift. That usually happens when you use a high-quality interface or USB mic for recording, and play back on your regular-cheap soundcard. In that case, the tempo & pitch shift are usually slight and not noticeable to casual listeners, but it causes trouble for musicians.

Not only did it sound horrible…

If you’re trying to pitch-shift by a lot, it’s probably going to sound odd.

“vst-bridge” is not required in the latest version of Audacity. (It has been redundant since Audacity version 1.3.8).