Splitting a Track Into Multiple Files

WavePad Sound Editor has the function to save a track into multiple files at fixed intervals. For example, a tack with the length of 10 hours can be automatically saved as 10 one-hour files. Is there a plugin for Audacity which can do the same operation?

“Regular Interval Labels” (http://manual.audacityteam.org/man/regular_interval_labels.html) to add labels and regular intervals,
then “Export Multiple” (http://manual.audacityteam.org/man/export_multiple.html)

Thank you for the information. I edit tracks which are 10-20 hours long. When I tried to use the Regular Interval Labels function in order to add labels to the track, a message appeared saying: “Selection too long for Nyquist code.” The Regular Interval Labels function also has a 3,600-second limit on the length between labels. I would like to split long tracks into one-hour files. Is there a custom-made plugin which allows to specify the number of minutes or hours and then split very long tracks?

3600 seconds is 1 hour, which is what you said you wanted.
How long do you want the sections to be?

I did not realize that 3,600 seconds is one hour. In such case, the Regular Interval Labels function can be used to split long tracks into one-hour files.