Audacity 1.2.6 and Windows 10

I downloaded my trusty old copy of Audacity 1.2.6, in which I recorded hundreds of CDs on my Windows Vista laptop, to a new laptop with Windows 10. The video presentation with the Audacity waveforms looks normal when music was being inputed from a CD player via a USB cable, but no sound is coming through to the Audacity program. Is this due to the fact that Windows 10 is not compatible with Audacity 1.2.6? Or could another issue be involved? I would kd much appreciate any insight. Thank you!

If you started Audacity and then plugged in your player, Audacity will not see it. Audacity checks for connections when it starts. Restart Audacity with the player connected or Transport > Rescan.

Make sure your player appears on the Audacity Device Toolbar.

Audacity 1.2.6 is no longer supported, so if your first words are “my Audacity doesn’t do that,” we’re going to point you to the current Audacity 2.1.3.

In addition to all that, smashing a plain sound recording through a modern Windows machine is not for the easily frightened. Windows has a lot of special effects and processing it can do and that’s not even counting other software that likes to mess with the sound such as Skype, Chat and Games.

Windows thinks its job is to chat you into a business conference, not make a Moody Blues recording.


Thank you. Is it definitively known that Audacity 1.2.6 is incompatible with Windows 10? I

Windows 10 is not a simple upgrade. It’s a new system and software has to be written for it. If you have any devices, drivers or other software from a legacy system, they will need to be updated and they need to claim “Windows 10 support.”


We don’t support 1.2.6 any longer. This means you should use 2.1.3 or we can’t help you with your questions.

1.2.6 may or may not crash after recording, or may have any number of undocumented problems.

To avoid losing quality, it is preferable to rip CDs with ripping software, not record them as they play.

To listen while recording, Software Playthrough must be enabled and the Audacity playback device must be set to whatever device you use to listen to audio.


Thank you. I have two more questions. I would assume therefore, that Audacity 2.1.3 will function with Windows 10. Is that correct? Secondly, does Audacity 2.1.3 have an Audio CD burner function to split the tracks and burn the discs, like Audacity 1.2.6 did with the ClearClick Audio CD burner? Thanks for your patience!

I expect it to work with Windows 10 although I’m flying blind since I’m not a Windows elf. Windows 10 was the current Windows version when Audacity 2.1.3 was presented.

ClearClick Audio CD

That had to be a third-party add-on. I’m pretty sure Audacity by itself has never been able to burn anything.


Dear Koz: When I bought the “Cassette to CD Kit” several years ago (at, the installation CD came with the Audacity 1.2.6 program and, on the same disc, came with the ClearClick Audio CD Burner (with a separate icon on the wallpaper), which seamlessly allowed me to burn the music disc I had just recorded on Audacity to a CD, after I had completed separating the tracks. When I opened up the ClearClick Audio CD Burner, a window would open that Identified the name of the songs I had recorded on the Audacity recording (after the tracks had been separated), and indicated the time for each song. I then had the option of choosing the order of the songs to be burned onto the CD. At the bottom of the ClearClick Audio CD Burner window, was a graph that indicated the remaining space remaining on the CD to be burned (up to 80 minutes) as the selection of songs to be included on the CD was being made. Then, i clicked “burn”.

I recorded hundreds of CDs with these downloads on my old HP laptop with Windows Vista, which unfortunately now burned out. I have now bought a Lenovo Ideapad as a replacement, with Windows 10. I have attempted to download the old installation CD with Audacity 1.2.6 and the ClearClick burner, but have been having a problem with monitoring recording of music running through Audacity as there is no sound being received on recording; only on playback, possibly due to a conflict with Window 10. (?) That is why I was asking about Audacity 2.1.3 and whether it had a built-in CD burning program like the one I just described.

Can Audacity 2.1.3 provide me with the same ability to create the same format of CDs as the hundreds I have burned using the old programs I have described? That is my question. Sorry for the verbosity! Bill Fascisna

Audacity 2.1.3 supports Windows 10. You don’t have to be on Windows to find out what versions of Windows Audacity supports. Just go to Audacity ® | Download for Windows.


We can’t tell you. Audacity does not support third-party CD burning add-ons that may try to integrate with Audacity in some way. Did Audacity split the tracks or did the add-on split the tracks? Did you export WAV files for each track from Audacity?

If you were instructed to export the separated WAV files from Audacity to a particular location like your Desktop, and the add-on looked in that location, and then chose the track order and burnt the CD, then I would expect 2.1.3 could be used in the same way.

If the add-on was splitting the tracks and you never exported WAV files, so that the add-on was just looking at what was in the Audacity project window, then it was probably a customised version of Audacity. We can’t help you with customised versions of Audacity.

Have you tried what I suggested? Turn on Software Playthrough in Audacity. ensure the Audacity playback device is set to your computer speakers or whatever device you are using for computer playback. then Record. But if you have a customised 1.2.6, we can’t tell you where those controls are - you would have to look in the documentation that came with the cassette player.

Also on it says that

the Cassette To CD Kit has been replaced by our newer product, the Cassette2USB Converter

So it may be that your old kit does not support Windows 10 and you have to buy the new product. You will have to ask about that.


The way it worked is that after I recorded an entire series of songs from my cassette player to Audacity on my laptop, via a USB cable, I would separate and name the tracks, by punching-in Ctrl+B. Then when finished, it would hit "export multiple WAV, and the individual tracks would be sent to the CD burner, to be arranged in the order I chose.

In 2.1.3 made by us, you can do the CTRL + B and Export Multiple as WAV: Splitting a recording into separate tracks - Audacity Manual.

The WAV files can’t be sent direct to a CD burner. You choose a location on your hard drive, then point any CD burner of your choice to that location: Tutorial - Burning music files to a CD - Audacity Manual.

If you can see or figure out where 1.2.6 was exporting those files to so that your custom CD burner could see them, then presumably you can export to that same location in 2.1.3 and your CD burner will see the files.


Can Audacity 2.1.3 provide me with the same ability to create the same format of CDs as the hundreds I have burned using the old programs I have described? That is my question.

Yes. Audio CDs use uncompressed PCM, 44.1kHz, 16-bit, stereo. If you export as a WAV file at 44.1kHz, 16-bit, stereo, you’ll get the same underlying format your burning software should have no trouble making an audio CD. (Audio CDs don’t have WAV files or any standard “computer format”, and that’s why you need special ripping software to “read” them.)

Most CD burning programs will convert almost any audio file to the CD-audio format, but I don’t know anything about ClearClick. Sometimes, you have to set-up the burning software to “audio CD” to prevent it from directly copying the WAV (or MP3, etc.) to the CD as regular computer files. (it’s “bad practice” to make CDs from MP3s, if you can avoid it, since MP3 is lossy compression.)

inputed from a CD player via a USB cable…

…from my cassette player to Audacity on my laptop, via a USB cable

Just in case it’s not clear, you don’t need Audacity to copy a CD or to make MP3s from a CD… You can “rip” a CD (copy it digitally).

That you all, for your help!